Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Divin' into a busy weekend!

I am heading out of the office today with my good buddy David Lee Michaels, and Roanoke Photographer Sharon Davidson to Winston Salem, N.C. to catch Ed Pierce's Captivated by the light seminar.
This looks to be a great event, sponsored by our partners at, there will be a trade show before as usual. This gives us a great time to meet up with the great people who help us out on a daily basis. We can talk to reps from or White House Custom Color who does all our printing. They will be there to answer any questions we might have or show us new products that we might be excited to offer you guys!
Anyway, I will try to post some photos before I leave again for Ewing, Va, for a great weekend of camping and Revolutionary War re enacting, but that's a whole other story!

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