Monday, April 14, 2008

New Movie

I saw Ben Stein on T.V. the other night and have been reading is various places about his new movie,
EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed. As Ray Comfort says on his blog, It follows his journey around the globe where he proves that scientists, educators and philosophers are being persecuted in a modern day witch hunt because they dare to go against the theory of evolution. These pillars of education are being fired, ridiculed and ostracized for merely challenging Darwin's theory.

This film comes out on the 18th and I will reserve my review until after I see it, but everything I have seen and read about it says it will be one to catch, and take your kids to.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

just saw Expelled; the fact that Ben Stein isn't trying to win any popularity contests helps to validate his message... i gather that his goal is to promote free thought, especially more thinking about worldviews that drive American academia