Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Hunter's Raid 2008

We just had the big Civil War Reenactment event of the year here in Bedford. Hunter's Raid chronicles the Union general David Hunter's 1864 raid through Virginia. I went out for a moment while the troops were drilling early on Saturday morning. It was a great event that lasts all week end here in Bedford, the battle came right through the down town area here and the reenactors pull it off well. Local furniture factories donate old furniture for the union soldiers to steal, smash & burn as they come through. It's really a great event with lots of educational opportunities available for everyone through the history museum.

Hot Wheels!

Our Church group for children, "Word of Life Groups" got together last weekend for a Hot Wheels Fast car rally! All the kids brought their best cars and as many friends as they could and raced it out! There were a lot of kids participating, and some grownups too! We had tons of food and fun! This is one of the best attended youth ministries that Sedalia Baptist Church provides for the community, everyone left having had a great time and with new knowledge of the Gospel message.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Kristen & Steve

Trish & I wanted to thank our new friends, Kristen and Steve who will be tying the knot in September! We Started out at the Roanoke star, where Steve re enacted his proposal! We were dodging the rain as we ran to the garden for a couple and down the mountain to the Roanoke City Market. Seriously, I could spend days shooting images down there. We went to the Art Museum where the docents were kind enough to let us play with the toys in the ArtVenture area. then down to one of the nicest areas in Roanoke, the Grandin court neighborhood for some shots bt the historic Grandin Theatre. All in all we had a Blast!! Thanks again for coming out to play with us guys!! Can't wait for the wedding!!!



Thursday, April 17, 2008

Congrats Nikky & Tanis!!

We found out yesterday that our friends, Nikky & Tanis Smith just had their baby!!
. We just got their maternity shots done just in time! They welcomed their son, Tanis Austin Smith into the world last week, he weighed in at 6 lbs 9oz. What a beautiful kid! These photos are courtesy of Nikky's mom Vicky. Congratulations to you both!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

New Movie

I saw Ben Stein on T.V. the other night and have been reading is various places about his new movie,
EXPELLED: No Intelligence Allowed. As Ray Comfort says on his blog, It follows his journey around the globe where he proves that scientists, educators and philosophers are being persecuted in a modern day witch hunt because they dare to go against the theory of evolution. These pillars of education are being fired, ridiculed and ostracized for merely challenging Darwin's theory.

This film comes out on the 18th and I will reserve my review until after I see it, but everything I have seen and read about it says it will be one to catch, and take your kids to.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

John At the playground..

Last Thursday, we had to get out of the house while the realtor had someone come by to look at it and we took advantage of a good situation and went to play!
I took John down to the playground for an hour or so, and Trish joined us when she got home from work. John will be 7 in September. 7. He lives in a world of Star Wars and Pokemon, and is quite comfortable there. I am glad summer is upon us so we can get out more, he's a pretty agreeable model most days too!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Kerry & Tomeca

I wanted to thank Kerry & Tomeca and their families for being so much fun to work with last weekend! On a day where many other brides would have lost it because the plan for an outdoor wedding was scrapped by rainy weather, Tomeca took it all in stride, and no one would have known that the wedding wasn't planned for the ballroom anyway! Thanks to The Inn at Trivium for hosting us there, and being so professional about every aspect of this event. Diane Wilson did a marvelous job with the cake, that was enjoyed by all, and Chris Armistead, with Southern Soundz for providing great reception tunes! Gaye Agee provided some beautiful floral decorations and boquets too. The whole event was smooth and relaxed, (at least for the guests!).
Thank you both for trusting us to photograph your wedding day, we wish you both the very best, God bless!


Monday, April 7, 2008

Congratulations to Tomeca & Kerry!!!

We had a great time last Saturday at the Inn at Trivium photographing Kerry & Tomeca's wedding. The week had threatened a downpour on the wedding day, but held off just long enough to provide us with light to shoot by if not an outdoor ceremony! The spring in Virginia can be pretty unpredictable. Here are a few from Friday's rehearsal, I will get some photos of the wedding day up soon!