Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This week's music Pick. Dive Index

This week's music pick comes from Dive Index. I copied this description from their Myspace page..

A true collaborative effort, Mid/Air, the new album from Dive Index, gathers vocal and instrumental talents from across the globe and weaves them into a melodically rich and sonically intriguing sound. Using a blend of electronic and acoustic elements as the backdrop, the focus here is on the songs, leading the listener on a series of personal and emotional journeys. Being lost in a foreign country, the insecure political climate, the lonely life of a fisherman, channel surfing, and absorbing comfort in life and loss-- these are some of the melancholy themes touched upon throughout the album. And yet, Mid/Air still manages to retain some glimmers of hope.

I find that as I get older, it's harder and harder to find music that really does something to me. Occasionally I find something that's worth picking up and taking home, kind of like searching for seashells at the beach. There are millions of choices, but I am searching for something that makes me want it. Got one!

Download a sample track Here..

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