Wednesday, March 26, 2008

This week's music Pick. Dive Index

This week's music pick comes from Dive Index. I copied this description from their Myspace page..

A true collaborative effort, Mid/Air, the new album from Dive Index, gathers vocal and instrumental talents from across the globe and weaves them into a melodically rich and sonically intriguing sound. Using a blend of electronic and acoustic elements as the backdrop, the focus here is on the songs, leading the listener on a series of personal and emotional journeys. Being lost in a foreign country, the insecure political climate, the lonely life of a fisherman, channel surfing, and absorbing comfort in life and loss-- these are some of the melancholy themes touched upon throughout the album. And yet, Mid/Air still manages to retain some glimmers of hope.

I find that as I get older, it's harder and harder to find music that really does something to me. Occasionally I find something that's worth picking up and taking home, kind of like searching for seashells at the beach. There are millions of choices, but I am searching for something that makes me want it. Got one!

Download a sample track Here..

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Maternity / Family Pix..

First off Happy Easter to you all! We started our day early at our church with a glorious sunrise service overlooking the blue ridge mountains. Then it was a breakfast buffet that would put most restaurants to shame. An amazing service from our pastor, Mike Jones and off to lunch at Trisha's mother's home with her family.
easter egg hunt #2 with the kids in the yard and tons more great holiday food.
Anyway, yesterday we met up with our friends from last year, Nikky and Tanis. We met up at the Inn at Trivium,and had a great afternoon of shooting outside in the early spring sunshine, and later, we went inside to play with the studio kit. This session was technically a maternity shoot, but we got some great family images, and their daughter Kaleigh was so adorable, I could have spent the rest of the afternoon with just her!
A beautiful family, that will be one larger in about 4 weeks! Hopefully we will get some baby pics soon too!
Thanks guys for a great day!


Friday, March 21, 2008


I have been working on getting our home in condition for the big open house that we will be having tomorrow for the last two weeks. Yesterday I had to make a trip to our doctor, lately I have just been run down, and I had a particularly sore throat, so I was issued some anitbiotics and all is well now, though I am still pretty tired.
Most of the interior of the house has been re painted, and now I am working on the exterior windows. Sara planted some beautiful flowers out front yesterday that were a gift from our super duper realtor, Cindy Johnston. Plus, she & Trish have been cleaning everything else. I think we will be in great shape for the open house, we will be at the Inn at Trivium all day shooting maternity portraits and meeting with brides to be so we will miss all the excitement. Wish us luck!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Guest Books!

Kerry & Tomeca's Guest Book arrived today! It is really sweet! Red Linen, and plenty of engagement portraits with ample room for guests to sign in at the reception. It measures about 8.5 x 11 with 20 pages to work with. I really want to encourage you all to consider this option for your wedding. This book wil actually get looked at again after the wedding! I think I have the guestbook from when Trish & I were maried, in a box at her mother's house I guess and hasn't seen the light of day since 1985!
These albums are great complimentary books to go with your wedding album and shouldn't be looked over. And they are pretty affordable too!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cross your fingers!!

Well, after about 5 years at this location, Trish and I have decided that it's time to sell our house. We are in the process of looking for the perfect combination of home and studio work space. We really want an area in our home where we can welcome clients, preview images and display our work, as well as just entertain. Our present home is just too small for all that.
We have the greatest realtor, Cindy Johnston. She was one of our favorite brides from last year! That's her on the header for this blog.
I have spent the last week painting, scraping, moving, packing, and doing general handy guy stuff that I usually avoid like the plague. It's coming together nicely though, we even had our first potential buyer tour the house today. Consequently, I have not spent much time in front of my computer this week. I guess that can be a good thing!
We will keep you updated as we go along. Keep your fingers crossed for the new Studio house!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Site of the day

I completely want to thank Matt Kloskowski for this post, I always knew Taco bell was cool.
Direct Daniella - This is a really clever little site. Basically, you go to this website and do a live photo shoot of a model (Daniella). It’s something done in conjunction with a contest for Taco Bell but I think it’s a really clever idea. You’d think we’re all above this but I found myself shooting just about every location they offer. In keeping with full discloser, the model is a world famous bikini model so the male population will undoubtedly find this more amusing, but that aside I think it’s just fun. Sorry ladies, there doesn’t appear to be a “Direct Dan” website coming any time soon. Anyway, here’s the link.

Go buy Matt's Book!!

Thanks Matt!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New Toy..

Sometimes the best part of your gear is not the most expensive thing in your bag.. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my D300. But I just got my hands on the BlackRapid camera strap. Wow, this is what I have been waiting for. I really really liike this thing. It allows me to comfortably wear one camera, even with my 70-200 and a flash without ot banging against my leg when I walk, or poking someone standing next to me! I can comfortably shoot with two cameras now. The strap slings over your shoulder, and attaches to the d link on the bottom and slides up the.... oh just watch the video.

For the money, this is the best camera strap out there for me. Check them out at

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Tomeca & Kerry - E Session

Saturday afternoon saw us on our first engagement session after the long winter break! Woohoo! We met up with our April couple, Tomeca and Kerry, and took on down town Lynchburg. We love working down town, it's a treasure of texture and color and plenty of fun! After the session we all headed over to the Depot Grill for lunch too.
We had a great time working with you guys, and we can't wait for the big day!!