Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Who inspires you?

People often ask, "what other photographers inspire you?" I don't have to even think about that, the question is, " how long a list do you want?" There are so many people who have inspired my work in the last few years, local friends and many I have met on line. The local group is nice, because you build personal friendships with very talented artists, but the internet lets me communicate, sometimes one on one, with photographers from all over the planet! Being a part of national organizations, like WPPI ( Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) and PPA ( Professional Photographers of America), also afford me the chance to meet these world class good guys in person at conventions and seminars.
Here are a short list of the people whom I draw creative inspiration from:

Joe Bussink
He is the top drawer. I have seen Joe speak twice now, and both times have changed the way I look at what I do, and hopefully the way I do what I do. Joe is a true artist photographer. One of a kind.

Jerry Ghionis
Another Aussie photographer, The most amazing wedding photographer, very dynamic, I saw him last January at Imaging U.S.A. and learned SO much! He is just incredible.

Marcus Bell
Marcus is from Australia, he too, is a true artist. A very inspirational man. Photoshop genius, and business man.

[b] Becker
Awesome photographer working in California. Taught me to give back and share with others!

David Jay
Operates my favorite message board, O.S.P. Also helped me understand the concept of giving and sharing knowledge. Amazing.

Then there's Joe Photo
Another southern California photographer who just rocks! His fashion oriented wedding images are stunning. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Joe yet, but hope to at the WPPI convention next year. If you read his blog you will quickly see that he doesn't take himself too seriously, a trait shared by everyone on this list.
He's quite the actor too, here are two of his short films...

There are so many others that need to be on this list! Maybe I will post part two later, If you are a photographer, or just appreciate great artists, check out the above artists, You will be inspired too..

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Awesome Chocolates..

Everyone loves great chocolate, right? Then why is it that most people are satisfied with mediocre chocolate that you get at the supermarket? I LOVE a good piece of Chocolate, the darker the better! That's why I want to pass the word along about one of our fantastic vendor partners, Gearhart's Chocolates.
I took this text from their web site:

Tim Gearhart was trained in pastry at The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park and has cobbled together a culinary career that has taken him from the Gulf War in Kuwait to a dude ranch in Wyoming to a castle in southern England with stops in fine-dining restaurants
along the way. Tim started Gearharts in 2001 and lives with his wife and two dogs in Waynesboro, Virginia.

At Gearharts, we create confections of uncompromising quality, forging memorable combinations of flavors and textures with artisan craftsmanship. World-renowned Criolla Cacao from the finest Venezuelan plantations imparts our chocolate with unparalleled depth and complexity. We blend this premium chocolate with local sweet cream and pure butter, then add top-quality fruits, nuts, herbs, teas, spices, and liquors. Each piece is then finished by hand.

So, if you are looking for some extraordinary sweets, for someone special, or yourself, check out Gearhart's Chocolates.

Monday, February 11, 2008

I got Kissed!

Our first KISS album arrived UPS this afternoon. I had heard lots of great things about these albums on O.S.P. I also had a chance to get my hands on some samples at Imaging U.S.A. and that was all it took! Love at first sight. That's saying alot being that there were a couple of dozen album manufacturers there. Now we only offer KISS and Asuka to all our clients.
Here are a few shots of our first KISS. (!)

Friday, February 8, 2008

New Promotional Video

After I saw Marcus Bell's promotional Video slide show at Imaging U.S.A. last month, I vowed to make one of my own. This is just a first draft, but I think it's close.
What do you think?

Friday, February 1, 2008

Another one...

Here's a two fer for you. My photographer friend Anne Ruthmann posted a great tip on her blog this morning, so being the lazy type that I am, I will send you to her blog, That way I can call it a blog recommendation, AND a really cool Mac tip. Did you know that you can make your computer READ to you? I didn't. Now I won't be able to shut it up!

Blog Pik!

This week's blog is "Comfort Food" by Ray Comfort... get it? Ray is one of the most talented and gifted Christian evangelists of our day. He tackles a lot of ideas here, but it all revolves around the central core of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Check it out, he is a prolific writer, and you will be challenged here!