Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christmas in November!

Christmas came early here this week, I got a call from Don at Lynchburg Camera Shop this morning letting me know that the D300 that I have been waiting for for months had finally arrived! I feel like a kid on Christmas morning! This camera rocks! I have not put it to the test yet, but we have a wedding this week end and we will find out what she's made of. The display on the back is the first big noticeable difference, it's a whopping 3" display that makes chimping a pleasure. Then all the geeky stuff like the new 12.3-megapixel DX-Format CMOS Sensor, Continuous shooting up to 6 frames per second, 51-point autofocus with 3D Focus Tracking, plus an ISO equivalent to 6400 to make those church shots sing just to start. I will post up some examples soon to show you the difference. I am a happy ( and Thankful) man. God has blessed my business so much this year, I am nearly speechless. I will be off to church tonight to celebrate thanksgiving, by giving thanks to Him from who all blessings flow!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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